
September 28, 2019

Seven Home Cleaning Tips to Help Reduce Asthma Attacks

If you have asthma, your immune system tends to overreact to the slightest amount of allergens around you. It could be dust, animal dander, molds, pollen, and other substances that are pretty harmless. When you encounter any of these triggers, your airways might immediately narrow and you may experience continuous coughing, both of which are symptoms of an asthma attack.

While the best way to deal with asthma is to follow your doctor-recommended action plan, it will also help to keep your home and work area clean. Keeping your surroundings free of potential allergens and triggers greatly reduces the likelihood of asthma flare-ups.

If you want to tidy up your place but not sure where to start, these home cleaning tips can help you.

7 Home Cleaning Tips to Help Reduce Asthma Attacks

1. Get your mask ready.

First things first: Always wear a mask when cleaning.

Cleaning can suddenly launch asthma triggers into the air, getting them closer to your airways. That’s why wearing a mask that covers your nose and mouth is always a must whenever you clean your home. A mask filters and shields you from potential allergens in the air, protecting you from asthma flare-ups.

2. Wash and change your sheets often.

Be honest – how often do you sanitize and change your bed sheets and pillowcases? In a perfect world, we’ll all do this at least once a week, but most of us probably do it a lot less often. Sheets that are not regularly cleaned can be breeding grounds for dust mites.

So as much as possible, change your sheets at least once weekly. Also, soak dirty sheets in warm water when washing them to kill bacteria and dust mites.

3. Keep your pets out of your bedroom.

dog in a box out of the bedroom - home cleaning tips to help reduce asthmaIf you’re extremely sensitive to animal dander, it might be best to keep your pets totally out of your home. That way, you won’t encounter the random animal hair inside your home or on your clothes, carpet, and furniture. However, if you can’t keep your pets out of your home, you can at least try to keep them away from your bedroom.

Also, giving your pets a bath at least twice a month can help keep them clean and free of dust and dirt.

4. Keep your bathroom and kitchen dry.

Damp areas in your home such as your kitchen and bathroom are prone to growing molds. Although it may be time-consuming, it’s ideal to keep these areas as dry as possible. For instance, you may towel-dry your bath tub after each use. Investing in exhaust fans is also a good way to dry these areas. Also, regular scrubbing and cleaning can help reduce and prevent molds.

5. Use a dehumidifier.

It’s ideal to keep indoor humidity between 30% and 50%. If you live in a humid area, investing in a dehumidifier is a must. This helps keep indoor air from getting too thick and muggy, helping you breathe more easily. Keeping a dehumidifier in your bedroom can help give you a good night’s sleep as well.

6. Get rid of your carpets.

Carpets can be tough to clean. Sure, you may vacuum regularly, but this may not be enough to get rid of dust mites settling in on your carpets. Consider removing your carpets if you think it’s contributing to your asthma.

7. Schedule your cleaning activities.

Cleaning your home can sure be time-consuming, not to mention that it’s too much work. However, regular cleaning is a must especially for those with asthma. So as much as possible, keep your cleaning practices in check. It would be good to list down the chores you must do daily, weekly, and monthly so you can manage your cleaning schedule well.

***This article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advise, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advise of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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