All posts by: admin

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August 25, 2019

Nine Effective Tips to Prevent Asthma Attacks

Asthma is considered a long-term condition that can be managed effectively with the help of your doctor. Here are nine effective tips to prevent asthma attacks and its symptoms from flaring up. Tips to Help Prevent Asthma Attacks 1. Know your triggers. One of the most common causes of asthma is exposure to airborne allergens, […]

August 9, 2019

Understanding Asthma, Bronchitis, and How They’re Linked

Have you ever heard about asthmatic bronchitis? How are asthma and bronchitis linked to each other? Asthmatic bronchitis is one of those terms commonly used by doctors to describe a set of symptoms that occur in both asthma and bronchitis. To understand how asthma and bronchitis are linked, it’s important to understand both conditions separately. […]

July 28, 2019

Debunking 6 Dangerous Myths About Asthma

Although asthma is fairly common, there are many misconceptions about the disease. Some of them may even harm patients and prevent them from seeking the right asthma treatment. Here are six myths about asthma that you’re better off not believing and manage the condition effectively. 6 Myths About Asthma 1. Asthma medicines are addictive. As […]

July 11, 2019

Severe Asthma: What To Do If It Gets Out of Control

What To Do When Severe Asthma Strikes Are you experiencing shortness of breath, non-stop coughing or wheezing? Everyone experiences asthma differently. While some patients may report only mild symptoms, others may be prone to severe and alarming episodes of asthma. A case of asthma may be characterized as severe if a patient is having difficulty […]

June 29, 2019

FAQs About Allergic Asthma: Who’s at Risk and How It Takes Place

Allergic asthma is the most common type of asthma. It’s estimated that around 90% of children and 50% of adults with asthma1 have allergies that trigger their asthma symptoms.. If you’re suffering from asthma, it’s important to know the particular allergens and substances that trigger it so you can prevent attacks more effectively. Here are […]

June 9, 2019

Treatment and Care for Your Asthma

Asthma is considered a chronic, usually lifelong, disease that requires a lot of care and lifestyle changes. There are treatment and management options for those who have asthma enjoy life. Options for Treatment and Care of Asthma The treatment and care options are focused on controlling and preventing severe episodes. It’s important to note that […]

May 24, 2019

8 Tips to Manage Your Asthma

If you have asthma, your airways are more inflamed than those without this condition and an essential part of being able to manage your asthma is to identify what your triggers are. An asthma trigger can be anything that sets off your symptoms from a substance, an activity or even emotions. Manage Your Asthma by […]

May 14, 2019

Everything You Need to Know About Asthma

Asthma can be tricky to recognize. If you suspect that you or a loved one may have the disease, it’s best to find a pulmonary specialist or allergologist so you can seek out an accurate diagnosis. Here is Everything You Need to Know About Asthma During the consultation, your doctor may want to investigate your […]

April 25, 2019

7 Signs of Poorly Controlled Asthma

Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that may negatively affect the quality of your life. Hence, for asthma patients, it’s important to pay attention to your condition and work out an action plan that suits your needs and lifestyle. However, it’s not always easy to identify the symptoms of asthma, as they vary from person […]

April 10, 2019

What Really Happens During Asthma Attacks?

Asthma is a globally widespread chronic disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in 13 people worldwide suffers from asthma. This means around 235 million people in the world, according to World Health Organization figures, are living with asthma. Zoning in on the Philippines, it’s estimated that 7.9% of asthma patients […]
